Well I did it again

I haven't written you in a few weeks, and I'm coming with a confession.

I did something last year for the first time in my entire life, and I just did it again today.

I know it will make some of you upset, and I may even lose a few subscribers, but I did it and I'm not changing it.

I put my Christmas decorations up today: tree, lights, nutcrackers, stockings, music - the whole nine yards.

Maybe it's the impending Great Holiday Event - Beautycounter's version of a Black Friday event that spans November 16th (tomorrow) through the 29th. (You'll get 15% off site-wide plus free shipping over $50! Definitely grabbing some more of this for the office, and a few of these for gifts, and another one of this for myself.)

Maybe it's the endless middley feeling of so much unknown.

If you haven't heard me talk about the word "middley" yet, let me digress for a moment. My dear friend Claudia coined this term when referring to a physical pain she felt in the middle of her body. But we quickly discovered that middley was a pretty dang good descriptor for sitting in the middle of discomfort.

It seems like a lot of people are feeling pretty middley right now, and that makes sense.

I'm not usually one for distractions of the middley feelings. But my Christmas decorations aren't alleviating any sadness or concern or grief that I'm experiencing; contrarily, they are allowing me to choose joyful moments amidst those middley feelings.

Because ultimately, how I feel is a choice.

Have you put up decorations? Do you plan to?

Regardless of twinkling lights, I hope you find a moment to celebrate today.


services, beautyLindsay Mumma