Looking for the best chiropractor in Raleigh? Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center is a one-of-a kind center of chiropractic, manual rehab, and acupucture in North Raleigh. Only here will you find the best and most researched manual therapies mixed with patient-centered treatment plans in longer appointment times.
No more feeling rushed in your visits or run through the mill like another number. Your local chiropractic visits are 15-30 minutes long, and consist of chiropractic adjusting, various other manual therapies, and exercises.
As a patient, you get to participate in your health care rather than just accept it! Whatever the cause of your pain, our doctors will help you make changes in your body – and in your life – to decrease your pain and improve your overall function.
Our North Raleigh chiropractors working with an infant patient.
Your Raleigh Chiropractors
Dr. Lindsay Mumma, considered one of the best chiropractors in Raleigh, NC, received her BA from Kent State University in Kent, OH, and her Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA. She opened TriangleCRC in 2012.
Dr. Cory Bailey graduated with his BS from Gannon University in Erie, PA, and received his DC from Logan University in Chesterfield, MO, IN 2021. He began working at TriangleCRC in 2023.
In addition to the academic requirements of the DC program, our doctors have also completed continuing education courses in areas such as rehabilitation, developmental kinesiology, pediatrics, pregnancy, pelvic floor, nutrition, pain management, sports injuries, TMJ disorder treatment, disc pain, and neurology.
Our doctors have also taken courses through various manual therapy organizations including the Motion Palpation Institute, Active Release Technique, Graston Technique, the McKenzie Institute, and the Prague School of Rehabilitation and Manual Medicine.
Dr. Mumma is an instructor for the Motion Palpation Institute and moveMentors and presents across the country. She teaches palpation and adjusting techniques for chiropractors and chiropractic students and also lectures on topics such as prenatal and postpartum health, pediatric care, pelvic floor health, and injury and sports rehabilitation.
Your Raleigh Acupuncturist
Dr. Peggy Regis Robinson has practiced acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine for nearly 20 years. She is the co-owner of Cornerstone Healing in Brooklyn, NY, where she still practices. Dr. Robinson joined TriangleCRC in 2019.