Dirty electricity? Yup.

I have slacked on emailing you for the past few weeks. You see, unlike every marketing practice that exists, I like to write to you rather than farm out the creation of some pretty newsletter.

I like to connect with you and always invite your responses to what I'm sending.

I like to share information when it strikes me that this is worth sharing, and is better served by a written format than a visual one.

I've had plenty to say in the last month, but haven't felt the inspiration to add to the chatter in your atmosphere by slipping into your inbox.

So here we are.

I want to tell you about the EMF Tracing that I did today - at home and the office for a quick read, actually. It was soooo informative, and there's no possible way I can do it justice, but I want to share resources if this intrigues you.

If you're interested in how we interact with electricity (remember how you learned in a physiology class at some point in your compulsory education about voltage-gated ion channels that things like calcium and potassium travel through within our cells?), a great resource is the book The Invisible Rainbow.It's was quite informative and comprehensive.

And Andrew McAfee from Home EMF Tracing has lots of resources, books, tools, and consultations available on his website. He was so patient, informative, and approachable.

I honestly was expecting him to have an all-or-nothing, move to the middle of nowhere, you can never use the internet again type of approach. I was incredibly impressed that after finding a messy junction area, he was able to point me toward purchasing two $30 filters that are going to decrease the electric field in my kids' play area by 50-60%!

We already do a lot of things for EMF reduction, like turning off our wifi at night, but we're going to kick that up a notch by flipping the breaker to the sockets in our bedroom for even more reduction. And I'm going to get a wired keyboard for my laptop so I'm not sitting directly over the signals coming out of the laptop.

Anyway, it was informative and interesting and I wanted to share.

Sending love your way.


health, lifestyleLindsay Mumma