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moveMentors: Caregivers

Combining movement principles of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, respectful caregiving practices of a RIE-trained professional nanny, the Polyvagal Theory, and biomechanics of human movement, we’re bringing you resources to support YOU.


moveMentors: Swim

General physical preparedness in the water: 20 weeks of 3x/week swimming that is ideal for general fitness for any body, a pregnant body, or a postpartum body that's already done some initial postpartum healing.

Welcome to intentional water training!


Postpartum Rehab Course

Are you ready to heal postpartum?  Are you not even sure why it matters? Read more on postpartum rehabilitation here.

We've recorded an entire course for you to participate in on your own time, making it easy for you to take your postpartum healing journey at your own pace.

This is a 6-week course for functional postpartum rehab (recommended twice per week). We establish functional movement, rehabilitate the core and pelvic floor after the many challenges and changes of pregnancy and birth, and honor your journey with emotional support work, mindset tips, nutrition information, and an online community.

This class is appropriate to begin as early as 4 weeks postpartum (with no complications).

Thanks for joining our community and prioritizing your healing!

Rehabilitación Posparto

¿Estás lista para sanar el posparto? ¿Ni siquiera estás seguro de por qué es importante?

Hemos grabado un curso completo para que usted pueda participar en su propio tiempo, lo que le facilitará emprender su viaje de curación posparto a su propio ritmo.

Este es un curso de 6 semanas para rehabilitación funcional posparto (recomendado dos veces por semana). Establecemos movimientos funcionales, rehabilitamos el núcleo y el suelo pélvico después de los muchos desafíos y cambios del embarazo y el parto, y honramos su viaje con trabajo de apoyo emocional, consejos sobre mentalidad, información nutricional y una comunidad en línea.

Esta clase es apropiada para comenzar tan pronto como 4 semanas después del parto (sin complicaciones). ¡Gracias por unirse a nuestra comunidad y priorizar su curación!


Childbirth Education

In this course, you and your birth partner will become educated and prepared for birth and the postpartum period.

We cover pregnancy changes, birth physiology, birth preferences and choices, breathing techniques, postpartum recovery, and develop a birth and postpartum plan (including a prenatal and postpartum support team).

We also cover functional, innate movements for pregnancy and postpartum as well as for supporting infant development. 

The course consists of four pre-recorded 2-hour courses and a complete PDF of the course content for your personal use.



Looking for more core strengthening? Enter: MoreCore!

This four week course can be used as an adjunct to your regular workout schedule to help facilitate more efficient and complete core strength that is based on how your body was designed to move. 

This course brings in components of what I do with patients to help prevent injury and improve strength throughout the core, but kicks things up a notch to deliver you results of a stronger, more resilient core! 

Each session will take you somewhere between 15-30 minutes. You have options: follow along with me (and Jemalia and Laura) for real-time instruction, or use the clickable links to watch videos of the movements and complete them at your own pace. 

Equipment needed: 1 short loop band, 1 long skinny band, 1 kb (rec 10-20lb), 1 pair of DB (rec 8-15lb ea).

Reminder that this program is not a core rehab program, so if you’re newly postpartum or newly post-surgical (or if you’ve never rehabbed from birth or core surgery), I recommend the Postpartum Rehab course first!


Diastasis and Pelvic Floor Workshop


In April 2023, I presented a two-hour hands-on workshop on how and why core dysfunction impacts so many women, as well as instantaneous ways to improve the integrity of your abdominal wall and the function of your pelvic floor.

For $15, you can access the recording and learn how you can improve your pelvic floor!