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Your Pelvic Floor Sucks: The Course

Based on the best-selling groundbreaking book Your Pelvic Floor Sucks by Dr. Lindsay Mumma, this course empowers chiropractors to take a comprehensive and evidence-informed approach to addressing pelvic floor dysfunction. Through a combination of lecture, case studies, and hands-on training, participants will gain a deep understanding of the pelvic floor’s anatomy, physiology, and common dysfunctions, as well as how to manage these cases


moveMentors: Perinatal Manual Care

The Perinatal population is one of the most undertreated and underappreciated populations manual therapists can see in their practice. Birth can affect mothers in many different ways so having tools at your disposal for multiple different approaches is extremely important. Dr. Lindsay Mumma + Dr. Erica Boland are passionate about giving clinicians a roadmap to caring for this population in the best way possible. Said simply, this is the course you have been searching for!

This course is offered twice yearly. To reserve your spot, please visit the link below:


Motion Palpation Institute Courses

Looking for chiropractic continuing education for doctors or students with Dr. Mumma?

Improve or hone your manual care skills with Motion Palpation Institute

Invite Dr. Mumma to Speak at Your Event

According to Mary, TriangleCRC's Back Office Manager, seeing Dr. Mumma speak on stage at the largest chiropractic conference was just like being in the office with her. She's dynamic, passionate, talks a little too fast, and is as likely to tell you a joke as she is to explain the intricate details of any aspect of healthcare. In the same way that Dr. Mumma wants to empower her patients, she instructs in a way that produces less copy/paste protocols and more thoughtful consideration from healthcare providers.

Here are Dr. Mumma’s signature speaking topics:

  • Childhood Development

  • Addressing Pelvic Floor Dysfunctions Externally

  • Functional Assessment of Pregnancy

  • Pediatric Movement Assessment

  • Pelvic Adjusting: Pediatric, Prenatal, Postpartum

  • Treatment Considerations for the Female Athlete

  • The Nursing Dyad: The Biomechanics of Mother and Baby

  • The Pregnant Athlete

  • Postpartum Focus: Caring for a Woman After Birth

Click the button below to email Dr. Mumma an invite to speak at your event.