Chiropractic joint manipulation – commonly referred to as adjusting – is used to release restricted joints of the spine and extremities. By applying an adjustment to a restricted segment, the joint regains motion that would be unattainable using only exercise or posture correction. Learn More
Pregnancy and Postpartum Care
The body undergoes a multitude of changes during pregnancy, and maintaining proper musculoskeletal health is important during this time. Studies have shown that those who receive chiropractic care during pregnancy have less pain and even shorter labor times than those who do not. Our doctors helps women remain safely active during their pregnancy for their health and the health of their baby. But care doesn’t need to stop once the baby comes! Long labor, compound hands, breech babies, forceps delivery, Cesarean section, and a variety of other birth scenarios – even a natural birth – can lead to musculoskeletal pain or dysfunction in you and/or your baby. Chiropractic care is safe for infants and can help your little one latch on pain-free! Learn More
Functional Rehabilitation
Adjustments are applied in-office, but patients can help themselves by participating in various rehabilitation exercises at home. Our doctors have experienced that patients who participate in their care more than by just showing up at their appointments tend to have better outcomes and more satisfaction in their care. Learn More
Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization
The purpose of the technique is to promote proper activation and coordination of the neuromuscular system. DNS has produced amazing success in cerebral palsy, scoliosis, and stroke cases to name a few, and is equally as effective in the treatment of muscuoloskeletal pain. Our doctors are part of a small but growing group of practitioners in the US who have extensive training and experience in DNS therapy, which is quickly gaining exposure and demand. Dr. Mumma was the first Certified DNS Practitioner in the state of North Carolina. Learn More
Movement Analysis for Children
Each patient undergoes a gait analysis and functional screens to determine the root of dysfunction and/or cause of pain. While different for infants and children, all patients go through individual analyses. It is especially important for children to develop patterns that are functional. The way we learn to move from birth actually develops into all of our movement patterns. A thorough analysis can determine if your child’s patterns are functional, and give more information than simply whether or not they are reaching their milestones. Our doctors utilize the principles of Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization in conjunction with a chiropractic evaluation to assess pediatric patients. With that information, they can determine a treatment plan for your child that will ensure that they are as healthy and functional as possible.
McKenzie Method
Robin McKenzie was a physical therapist who spent his career dedicated to the treatment of patients suffering from discogenic pain. Patients who suffer from disc related pain tend to have both movement and function loss due to pain and physical barriers related to disc protrusion or herniations. When the center portion of a vertebral disc is under too much load, it bulges through cracks in the outer portion of the disc, sometimes resulting in pain. If this bulge puts pressure on the nerves surrounding the disc, it can cause radiating pain all the way down to the hands and feet. If left untreated, this can eventually lead to loss of muscle strength and tone, as well as loss of sensation. Utilizing the McKenzie Diagnosis and Treatment approach, patients learn self-treatment protocols for returning to function. Learn More
Nerve Mobilization - Nerve Flossing
Nerve mobilization is a technique whereby practitioners can help patients achieve full pain-free range of motion by eliminating adhesions or “sticky spots” along the path of a nerve. If nerves are unable to move without obstruction, the result is pain, tingling, and/or loss of function. By utilizing various nerve mobilization techniques, our doctors can help alleviate the pain associated with entrapped nerves and assist patients in returning to pain-free movements. Learn More
Soft Tissue Technique - Myofascial Release
When a muscle, tendon, or ligament is too tight, painful, or does not function properly, our doctors will use a soft tissue technique to help address the issue. Our doctors have training in numerous soft tissue techniques; namely Functional And Kinetic Treatment with Rehab (FAKTR), Active Release Technique (ART), Graston Technique (GT), and Post-Isometric Relaxation (PIR). ART involves breaking up adhesions in the soft tissues by having the patient go through various motions while the doctor applies specific pressure to the area being treated. GT uses instruments, rather than the doctor’s hands, to apply pressure to break up adhesions. PIR is a muscle relaxation technique that has been found to be very effective at releasing tension in tight muscles as well as treating trigger points. FAKTR involves actively treating soft tissues in order to improve function.
Dry Needling
Dry Needling is a diagnostic and therapeutic technique utilized for treatment of musculoskeletal issues. We use solid, thin, monofilament needles to insert into soft tissues in order to alleviate pain and improve function. It is a gentle but effective technique: once placed, the needles are not moved or twisted in anyway. We've seen rapid and long-lasting results using this technique.
Infrared Sauna
Infrared light (experienced as heat) is the invisible part of the sun’s spectrum with the ability to penetrate human tissue, giving a soothing, natural warmth. It is naturally occurring from the sun and is the basis for Sunlighten™ sauna therapy. Sunlighten’s Solocarbon infrared technology is therapeutic because it is 95-99% efficient at heating the body directly rather than simply heating the air. It works to raise the core body temperature to produce a deep, detoxifying sweat at the cellular level where the majority of toxins reside.
Schedule a single Infrared Sauna session.
Schedule an Infrared Sauna Session using a Fitness + Sauna Package.
Our chiropractors promote an anti-inflammatory diet to their patients. The standard American diet (known by the acronym SAD for good reason) is very pro-inflammatory. Inflammation is a key contributor to pain, as well as an important factor in most health conditions affecting the population today (heart disease, cancer, etc). Educating patients on proper diet choices and providing supplements when indicted can ensure long-lasting results in respect to pain and also provide a nutritional basis for a healthier, active lifestyle.
Cold Plunge
The Plunge is an incredibly beneficial tool for recovery, rejuvenation, and even relaxation. This 39 degree pool of circulating water can help your body decrease inflammation after an injury, improve your athletic recovery during training, or to train your autonomic nervous system for more adaptability. Our providers recommend the Plunge for these reasons, as well as improving circulation and mental health. We know you'll love the endorphin rush you feel after getting out! Learn more
Adjunct Recommendations
In addition to the care and recommendations our doctors offer patients, we also pride ourselves on providing excellent referrals when and where necessary. If you would benefit from additional or alternative care to what we offer, we do our best to make sure you're in the right place. We have built relationships with a variety of providers throughout the Triangle to help ensure the best care for our patients.
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