Raleigh Acupuncture — Triangle Chiropractic & Rehabilitation - North Raleigh NC
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Acupuncture activates the movement of energy forces that nourish tissue, stimulate blood flow and enhance the body's internal systems. Fine needles are inserted into specific meridian points throughout the body to stimulate the body’s natural healing process.

Does Acupuncture hurt?

Acupuncture needles are typically not much thicker than a strand of hair and the insertion is practically painless. Some points on the patient’s body may be more sensitive to the pressure than others. If so, you may feel a slight tingling sensation, sort of like when you bump the tip of your elbow or funny bone. After the treatment, the areas targeted may feel itchy, heavy, warm, or even numb. Some people feel immediate relief. For others, the healing process is slower; it may take a few days before the patient notices a positive change in their symptoms. Tui Na massage may also be used by a certified practitioner to ease any lingering pain and aid the healing process.

What specific conditions are well-treated with Acupuncture?

Some of the physical benefits of Acupuncture include pain reduction, restored health from a recent or long-standing illness, shorter recovery time from injuries, decreased symptoms of stress, strengthened immune system function, and improved blood circulation.

The World Health Organization recognizes Acupuncture as an effective treatment modality for many ailments impacting the body’s systems, including musculoskeletal, ear, nose and throat, respiratory, gastrointestinal, urogenital, gynecological, psycho emotional and neurological. Many have also reported that their ability to sleep and handle stress improved after treatment.

Learn from Dr. Peggy Regis Robinson:


How to Use Moxa


How to Use Extinguish Moxa


For more information about acupuncture and additional treatments we provide at Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center, Contact us today.