This one's important

Whew, what a week!

I'm feeling much better after that 2-day migraine, so thanks for all of your love and well wishes.

Two fairly big things happened this week, and since I don't follow a publishing schedule, you're getting a second email from me this week (and possibly ANOTHER email from me later today depending on when you subscribed to my list - when I made my last social media post, a lot of people signed up for my newsletter. That was on a Friday, and as such, you'll get my curated content for the next several weeks on a weekly basis). I've got a lot to say!

Okay, first, there was an error that was pretty serious and should have raised red flags but from what I can gather was really just brushed aside. Reported deaths related to the shots doubled overnight, sending lots of people into a frenzy, but it was apparently done in error.

That's great and all, but shouldn't that be an automatic investigation by the CDC: "How many people died?! Or is that just a reporting error?!" But instead, it was brushed off as not necessary to investigate for about a week. A week, really?!

Remember when they halted the Swine Flu immunizations because THREE PEOPLE DIED in 1976? (I don't; that was before my time, but I read about it.) If you want to read more on that whole "fiasco", check it here.

If we don't learn our lessons, history repeats itself (says the woman who had 7 concussions before finally resting her brain).

The next thing was this fairly robust cross-examination by Dr. Rand Paul of Dr. Anthony Fauci. I've seen the headlines on this, which is what most people read and how most people's opinions are swayed unknowingly, and they are vastly different depending on the source. The whole video is only 6 minutes long, so I encourage you to watch the whole thing rather than hear truncated versions of it that your chosen news source is feeding you.

Those were the two things I really wanted to share that couldn't wait until next week: the numbers error and the cross-examination.

But while I have you here, this is a 12 minute conversation with Dr. Paul that I thought was very reasonable following that encounter.

I also read this article (super long - save it for a Zoom meeting you don't want to pay attention to) regarding mismanagement of information from last spring.

We need to keep asking questions and determine next best course of action - for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world.

If you want a simple exercise to be able to help you do that, here you go:

  1. Write down your top three values.

  2. Ask yourself if your actions align with those values.

That's it. Now you know how to live in alignment with your values.

Okay, and lastly, here is my face on a video because Beautycounter has a new mascara that I am pummmmmppped about!

Have a great weekend, dear one. Keep asking questions and live out your values!


healthLindsay Mumma