In-person Postpartum Rehab + supplement food for thought

A few weeks ago, Lisa asked me what I thought about doing a Postpartum Rehab class this fall and I immediately said, "nope" with a fair amount of gusto.

She clarified that she would be coaching, and I replied "heck yes" with the same amount of gusto.

But be aware that there are only 6 spots open for this class, and I have NO idea if we'll offer another. In fact, I have no intention of offering another at any point by myself, so offering one will be completely dependent upon my awesome staff.

This is the exact same Postpartum Rehab course that is now available online - it follows the exact programming, but obviously will come with hands-on instruction, built-in community, and intentional instruction on the foundations of re-establishing movement in the postpartum time period with a full respect for the entire prenatal and postpartum experience.

In other words, it's the best class ever. The online class is great for those who need a flexible schedule, the option to repeat classes if issues arise, and a lower price point. The in-person class is literally better in every other way.

Get in the class (in-person or online)!

I recently discovered Empirica, which is a new supplement company curated by Emily Schromm. Emily is the creator of the Empack bag and Herbal Element teas we have in the office, owner of Platform Strength in Denver, and has also apparently been on some of MTV's reality TV shows.

She reached out to me when I said "peace out" on social media (I was on her Meathead Hippie podcast a few years ago, which is how we know each other) and said she was in the process of creating a new kind of online platform (called Platform Daily) which includes less scroll-inducing behavior and more self-reflective healing behavior. I can get on board with that. They also have programming available (they're needing a little DNS-inspired functional core stability implemented before I outright recommend the programming ;-)).

Emily sent me one of her supplements, Brain Deflame (for obvious reasons), and I ordered her Tri-Mag on my own. I'm enjoying both and can say it's been a while since I've actually felt the effects of magnesium, but I'm hoping this helps keep any migraines at bay.

Empirica has a site-wide sale going on right now through 7/31 if you want to check out any of their supplements for 15% off. After that, you can use "LINDSAYMUMMA" at checkout and get a 10% discount. And if you're ever looking for supplements, you can always find them via the Shop page of my website.

Switching gears, I am excited to tell you that Beautycounter released their brand new cream eyeshadows (I've ordered all 10 colors so that you can sample them at my office - did you know I have just about every single product if you ever wanna try before you buy?) and like you saw last week, the brand new mascara is coming out in about a week.

This means your makeup (if you choose) is about to get a whole lot cleaner and a whole lot safer!

I do need to clarify that after stringent testing by yours truly, the new mascara is definitely NOT waterproof, though it does hold up well under sweat and may last through a very short cry session if you're not a persistent eye-rubber.

I want you to know I'm beyond the point of apologizing for long emails and am as such moving on unapologetically. The unsubscribe option is always there, and the resubscribe option will also be there when you miss me again. ;-)

Food for Thought

I have seen a few things this week specifically (here and here are some examples) about the mandates of _acxkseens (and yes, I'm avoiding censorship even via email). Only about 51% of Americans have thus far done so, and the mandates are intended to create pressure on employees and consumers to comply.

But behind every well-intentioned move to control the behavior of their customers is a person or persons with a very strong pulse on their bottom line.

If you listened to/read Dr. Rand Paul's snippet on that radio show I sent last week (remember, past newsletters are linked at the bottom of this email), you'll know that he points to the failure of recognizing natural immunity and how this is a disservice to many and a reason why many are opting not to get the thing I'm not mentioning. The Cleveland Clinic says there's no added benefit if you've had the disease, but most proposed or already-implemented mandates don't recognize natural immunity.

So with the above information in mind, I have a question for you, dear reader. Do you think that the people who have opted not to acquiesce thus far will do so, and bend to the will of the government and employers/businesses, or do you think that the people who have thus far held out will continue to do so, thereby putting the same reverse pressure on those whose profits would be impacted by their opting out?

In essence, I'm asking who you think has more power: corporate America and the government or the people whom they are purporting to serve?

I would truly love to hear your thoughts and the reasoning behind them. Remember that everything is a choice.

Awareness brings choice.
Choice is better than no choice.

And when you feel like you have no choice, take a bigger picture view to consider what it is that you are choosing because you are, in fact, choosing something.

Last thing: here's a podcast I recently listened to and appreciated learning from.
