Early access to Beautycounter + forms I've shared on repeat

There's an early access pass below, but first, a note about health freedom.

I have been an advocate for patient empowerment since before becoming a doctor. I have personally needed it as a child, an adolescent, a teen, and an adult. I've shared some of my story in previous newsletters, and I know SO MANY people like me for whom one-size-fits-all medicine simply does not work.

This week I had a student shadowing me in the office and she got to hear the stories from people who were terrified at losing their health freedom, people grumbling about having already lost it, and people willing to stand up and fight for it for themselves and their families.

I shared a link with each of these patients that a friend had sent me. In addition to being incredibly accurate, it was actually almost as informative as it was impressive. I learned a lot in reading the forms.

At the link below, there is a short video and a few forms to choose from if you are being forced/coerced into medical decisions by your school or employer.

Whatever your choice, I support you. My hope, intention, and mission is that it is YOUR CHOICE.

As a reminder, I truly do not care what you choose. I care about you and I care about your ability to make choices - this is true in all forms of healthcare and in your daily life. Coercion is not only illegal, it is immoral.

Opinion, data, nor circumstance can change or even challenge the fact that you are a free individual.

Switching gears: I already told you about Beautycounter's new mascara. I LOVE it. And Band of Beauty members get access to the launch of this incredible new product before anyone else.

So if you're not a Band of Beauty member yet (perks include free shipping over $100, a free gift with enrollment, 10% product credit with each purchase, and early access to new products for just $29 per year), and you're itching to get your hands and lashes all over this incredible new formula, click the image below to sign up now and check your inbox tomorrow!Our new glowy cream eye shadows launched last week, and as always: reach out if you want help finding something specific or working with your budget for a sustainably clean shelf!

Finally, I came across this research (still in preprint) via Mark Sisson, which states: "The presence of linoleic acid at this site modulates binding of the spike to the human ACE2 receptor, stabilizing a locked conformation of the protein."

The point being that the higher your linoleic acid, the more likely the potential for a spike protein to lock in to your cell membrane. You already have linoleic acid in your body, but Mark's recommendation (and mine) is to eat less seed oils to avoid having an excess.

I personally use olive oil, coconut oil, or ghee and don't have vegetable oil, canola oil, or rapeseed oil. It's a good recommendation regardless of what pathogens are around.

I hope your August and your week are both off to a great start.

Sending hugs and freedom of choice your way.

And if you have been waiting for a TBI update, I am sore from two workouts back-to-back this week and it feels GREAT. I'll do a more thorough update sometime soon!


Lindsay Mumma