Grieving space, decadent smells & legacy

My kundalini yoga teacher, Guru Jagat, died last week at 41.

Despite never meeting her in person, the news hit me like a ton of bricks.

Maybe it's because I'm sick of really great people dying.

Today marks 11 months since my soul sister Elise left her body. She was a guiding light for me in the world these past few years (and continues to be).

Elise and I shared some really powerful kundalini kriyas, mantras, and practices as we were both navigating our healing journeys.

It seems that the accumulation of losing a dear friend who was a teacher to me and then losing a teacher is super heavy. I'm choosing to carry that grief (remember, we always have choices).

I am not Atlas; I do not carry the weight of the world on my shoulders. (That's a burden I chose to set down a few years ago.) So while the world remains heavy, I am not responsible for carrying it.

As was discussed in my practice yesterday with some friends, emotions need motion. Moving through grief is helping me, which is why I'm choosing to practice kundalini yoga more regularly.

And outside of the practice of kundalini (which includes cold showers, by the way) it's truly so amazing to think of the ways in which Guru Jagat has impacted my life. Two quick examples:

You know how herbal infusions have essentially put an end to the five years of bladder spasms I had? That's because I heard Susun Weed on Guru Jagat's podcast.

Yesterday I had my Quarterly Mandated Fun event for my staff, and we did an awesome perfume creation workshop with Liz Hull, the perfumer of Greige. This was directly as a result of Guru Jagat's impact on my life because I met Liz at a kundalini workshop I went to in 2019. (I'd invited Elise to come with me, but she wasn't up for traveling at that time.)

So now every time I spritz myself with perfume, I can smell decadent (that's how Liz described my curated scent) and simultaneously think of my incredible teacher's legacy.

Tonight is Guru Jagat's memorial service at 9:30pm EST, and as saddened as I am to lose my teacher, I am grateful for her teachings, committed to continuing to practice kundalini, and emboldened to step into my own radiance.

Now it's time for rapid fire too much info:
1. This video of a doctor at a school board meeting in Indiana is fantastic and only 6 minutes long:

2. If you find yourself unable to keep up with all of the executive orders that our overlord - er, I mean governor - is putting out: has them all linked. They're worth reading. If you're not in NC, you likely have a site for your state specifically that has all of your state's EOs listed.

3. It is incredibly important to not ignore natural immunity. Here's why:

4. Liz Hull is amazing at helping to curate specific personal scents (it's not your grandmother's perfume, okay?) and she asked if I would want to host a regular scent event. So I want to know if you'd be interested in participating in something like that. (I'll be honest, I totally rolled my eyes at the idea of a perfume workshop originally, but it was soooo interesting and fun to do, which is why I did it again!) Email me back or get in touch with Liz via email directly at

5. Beautycounter's new mascara is quite solidly cry-proof. As I said, it's not pool-proof or Plunge-proof, but it did hold up to a lot of tears this past week. And was featured in this article:

6. BIG FAVOR: I am starting an Odysee channel because of the censorship crap that is happening on YouTube. But because YT always took a backseat to my Instagram, I really just used it to create some exercise videos for patients and a few reviews.

Odysee will actually migrate my whole YT channel to Odysee for me, but I need to have at least 350 followers in order for them to do it. So if you wanna just head on over to and subscribe or binge watch, I'd be so grateful.

7. I have some great new shoes from Xero Shoes that I reviewed and I know you're gonna love:

8. Dark Horse has been one of my favorite podcasts for the past year, but they're quite long. Here's a really short snippet (14 minutes) that has a lot of important info and questions packed into a small segment:

I was reminded this past week just how exhausting grief can be. But even with that, I have felt physically very good. I have been in the Hyperbaric Chambermore regularly, have continued to Plunge (Caroline and I are working on a new offering that's going to knock your socks off), and have been doing daily (sometimes multiple) kundalini practices.

I am grateful for continued brain healing (now over 6 months post-TBI) and normalizing functional capacity.

My wish for you this week is that you choose to set down the burdens that are not yours to carry and find yourself with lightness this week.

Maybe listening to this song will help.
