Postpartum Rehab is updated and I'm napping

I am so excited to tell you that I just finished updating all of the moveMentors: Postpartum Rehab classes!

I recorded the course originally because we were unable to meet in person at the time, and making that course available allowed me to help people near and far. But it was a live format at the time of recording, and re-watching a live class is different than watching a made-for-recording class.

I took the feedback from participants - classes need to be shorter, I want to see the movements more, I want reminders to participate - and reworked the course with a few friends and help from Erika Eno.

So if you already have the course but never finished, I encourage you to log back in to moveMentors and finish it. Or maybe just revisit the course for a little extra self-love and healing.

And one pro tip: Postpartum Rehab is an excellent first trimester workout. Too exhausted to lift a finger in that first three months of growing a human? Yeah, it's real. But research (and lots of anecdotal reporting) tells us that you improve first trimester fatigue with exercise!

Get in the class!

TBI Update
Speaking of fatigue, I'm not tired. But I am doing a minimum of 2 hours of nothing everyday.

This is probably the hardest challenge for me. But after seeing Dr. Lori O'Neill(she's a pelvic PT, and also an amazing CST and Body Listening practitioner - and my commute was about 15 steps down the hall with zero traffic and no gas shortage) last week, she pointed out that I'd never actually done full cognitive rest after my last concussion (or at any point in my life). I'd done *little* activity, but not *no* activity.

I tried to argue with her, but she was right.

She said that my workout capacity was so small because my brain capacity was taking up so much space. Normally, that's not a problem for me, but post-concussion, it's all adding up.

And I am really willing to do just about anything to get myself into a challenging workout. So for the next month, I'm doing nothing for at least two hours of every day. Not even "relaxing activities" like calligraphy or sewing or reading. Just nothing. I am sitting. Staring. Being. And sometimes napping.

I've had a regular meditation practice since 2014; I practice living in the present moment, intentionally sit in stillness, ground, etc. on a very regular basis. But this is HARD.

I find rest for the sake of rest to be very challenging. It's an interesting self-discovery journey that I'm now on.

  • Rest for the purpose of improving productivity: great.

  • Rest to rejuvenate so I can move more efficiently: excellent.

  • Rest to connect with my true self: divine.

  • But rest just to rest: ummm.

Always a work in progress.

What are you working on this week?

(Merry Mumma Month-ers, you're about to get another email from me checking in on your progress as we're a little over half-way through the month! It's scheduled, and I'm trying to do less instead of more, so I'm not changing it, but hopefully you're not overwhelmed by the back-to-back emails!)
