October, Freedom & Updates

I try to live in the moment, but have found myself really looking forward to October for quite a while.

It's my anniversary month and my husband's birthday, and those are about a week apart, so - similar to February and August - our family celebrates a Love Week that week. Love Weeks are always something to look forward to because we take celebrations and love pretty frickin serious around here. For example, my office will be closed that whole week and I will be all but unreachable for an entire week. (I think just that aspect is very appealing to me right now as well!)

I'm also going to be driving to Wisconsin to celebrate Elise's life with my two girlfriends Amy and Erica, which is sure to be magical, even though certain to be full of emotion.

And October is a super exciting time in Beautycounter; our limited edition holiday sets release tomorrow, and lots of people get excited about some extra holiday work and join the movement (which can be done for only $50 right now!). I'll be releasing an unboxing video on my YouTube channel and hopping on IG Live tomorrow to share more.

So essentially, this month gives me a lot to look forward to and I'm really grateful for it.

Pivoting a bit, I am currently re-reading one of my favorite fiction books, The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand, and one of the main characters, Dominique Francon, states that freedom is: "To ask nothing. To expect nothing. To depend on nothing."

A friend and Beautycounter team member of mine asked what freedom meant to me the other day when she saw my shirt from Black Guns Matter on Instagram. I am genuinely curious what YOUR definition of freedom is.

Freedom is one of my values, so I have my definition. But I want to hear yours.

Hoping your week (and this month) is off to an incredible start.


Lindsay Mumma