First day of Fall

Updates on things I think you should know:

  • Prenatal Prehab begins next week.

  • Postpartum Rehab is available as an online class only for the rest of this year (no more live classes this year, and I'll be honest that I'm not sure about 2021 classes yet).

  • I have a new class that is in the process of being put up on and you'll be the first to know when it's ready. It's called MoreCore and is 4 weeks of core strengthening that you can use as a mini workout, accessory work, or just general core activation and strengthening (it's intended for AFTER postpartum healing, so don't try to start that before Postpartum Rehab).

  • My youngest broke his collar bone this weekend.

  • Grief takes up a lot of energy (for me in this moment; I can't speak to what's true for you or what will be true for me tomorrow).

  • Your body talks to you, but it doesn't use words. The more you can begin to decipher these messages, the more obvious they become.

Along the lines of the last one, I want to give you an example from a consult I did this week. Think about something like pelvic organ prolapse. Maybe you don't know a lot about it, but from a physiological standpoint, organs (the bladder, known as a cystocele; the rectum, known as a rectocele; or the uterus, known as uterine prolapse) drop or bulge into the vagina.

But if we look at it from a potential communicative standpoint, it might be a request to ground - literally; your organs are reaching toward the ground. And if we listen to that communication, then we'd begin to work on healing the physiological aspects.

And in case you were wondering, pelvic organ prolapse doesn't automatically mean surgery (and surgery isn't largely successful in this arena), but pelvic PT, chiropractic care, rehabilitation, and intentional healing can actually go a long way in creating a functional and stable core and pelvic floor. And there's even been some promising work in the arena of yoni steaming and prolapse.

That's it for now.


healthLindsay Mumma