I'm skeptically optimisitc

I'm glad you're here.

If you're in Raleigh, I'm sure you've heard the latest city mandate. (If you aren't in Raleigh, there's a city-wide mask mandate that went into effect Friday night.)

Side note: mandates are not laws.

This recycled mandate brings into question the things that didn't work that we're apparently willing to repeat.

How do I know that wearing masks didn't work? Because we have scientific evidence regarding this.

The last time I shared this information, I had angry, aggressive, and ad hominem attack responses (hooray assonance). So I'll share it again. Not because I love getting berated, but because if learning information causes you to have an emotional response, then it's likely worth investigating why.

You can click the image above to be taken directly to a systematic review of 19 RCTs (please note that this is the best available science). I am grateful to my friend Brendan for finding this information last year; similar information was also shared on the Model Health Show.

If this image causes you to feel angry or misled or hurt or confused or elated or ANYTHING, sit with it a minute and ask yourself where that feeling is coming from. (Asking yourself questions, writing, moving, singing, dancing, or even chanting can be beneficial in your exploration.)

And then, as always, you get to make a choice.

I choose my behavior and my responses. You choose yours.

As I stated in my subject, I am skeptically optimistic.

A lot of very wealthy people have made a lot of money at the expense of the majority of the population in the past year and a half.

As such, I am skeptical that all of "this" [waves hands erratically] will go away. But I am optimistic that an informed and intentional public has the power to self-govern appropriately.

Switching subjects (but after you read it, you might realize that I'm actually still on the same thought trail), have you ever heard of the rituals of the Nacirema? I read about these practices in high school and found them very interesting.

Click the button below to read of these practices, and I'd love to hear your thoughts if you do.

I'm sitting here drinking my herbal infusion and feeling grateful for all of the things that Guru Jagat (my kundalini teacher who recently passed) taught me, so I'd like to share three things with you that are from or regarding her.

First is the podcast I listened to where I heard Susun Weed talk about herbal infusions, causing me to try it out for myself and finding that they eliminated 5 years of bladder spasms.

Second is this film that Mandev created to be played at her memorial service that was quite beautiful.

And third is this podcast that she did with her teacher, Harijiwan, on parapsychology and facereading that I found entertaining and informative.

If you'd ever like to do a kundalini practice, it is quite invigorating, often extremely challenging, and nothing like any other yoga class you've ever done.

I love Ra Ma for virtual classes, which is what I've primarily done since starting this practice in 2016; you can join for 2 weeks free. Locally, you can check out Triangle Kundalini Yoga.

Along with my herbal infusions, I've also been back to drinking quite a lot of LMNT. I even add the chocolate salt to my coffee - my husband says it's gross, but I like it.

Interestingly, I have found that I can't drink water on its own without causing a bladder spasm. I am in the process of figuring that out, but until then, I'm not drinking plain water. If you'd like to try LMNT, here's my referral link.

Speaking of delicious drinks, Raleigh Raw as a business is supportive of patron choice. Several people sent me Sherif Fouad (RR's CEO)'s recent instagram post (go look it up - I just have screenshots) and it's worth reading.

And in an actual change of subject, here's a snippet of a Joe Rogan podcast that I recommend you watch/listen to (full episode here).

Thanks if you followed me on YouTube; I am slowly populating my Odysee channel (I'm kind of a big deal with 5 followers) and am hopeful to be able to transfer all of my content from YT onto there.

That's all for now. Thank you for reading.

