What's keeping you

"What is keeping you from being OUTRAGEOUSLY yourself?"
- Guru Jagat

This question was posed in one of her last classes, held in Berlin in July, and I just did it via replay this morning. What a seriously powerful class (I was shaking afterward from both fatigue and buzzing energy). If you want to dive in, you can get the course here. (Before you balk at the price, there are 12 classes in that course; I actually got access as part of my membership.)

Her recommendation was to utilize the Addiction Meditation daily (3 minutes) to help break up any thoughtforms or unconscious behaviors that block you from your highest expression.

She also discussed the importance of meditation in general, as it increases the thickness of one's gray matter. She pointed out that gray matter is what allows us to handle paradox; to be able to understand that others have different opinions and beliefs and belief systems. What an incredible thing to be able to do right now!

To enhance this, she recommended the Intelligence Meditation (11 minutes) (and specifically recommended it for daily use during pregnancy).

She discussed a bit more in this discussion regarding sovereignty, and included at the end the shortest, fastest, and easiest victory meditation. I would like to thank you for reading my last newsletter. I got several responses, and while not all of them agreed with what I shared, none of them were disrespectful. I left the study linked but did not discuss it much further than to say that it found that masks didn't work.

Interestingly, the conclusion of the study said we (the public) should wear them, but the meat of the 19 RCTs contained within the systematic review concluded that the only effective mask was a respirator worn continuously; a 2015 RCT found that cloth masks increased healthcare worker infections by 13 times; and when effective in source control (sick patients), masks were used alongside hand hygiene.

Some people responded asking why I'd share a study that didn't agree with what I was saying. I explained that the review actually did show the ineffectiveness of masks, but the authors still concluded that we follow the narrative being pushed by governments and media.

Regardless of that strange behavior, the thing about science is that it doesn't actually "agree" or "disagree". Science continually questions. The end of just about every study in existence says "more studies are needed". I vote we keep asking questions.

And now, a few random thoughts and announcements in case you consider my newsletter your news source (I wouldn't, but you do you):

COMIRNATY, the brand name of the Pfizer vaccine, is now FDA approved. Here's the package insert. And here's an article that states why some are hesitant to accept this fastest-ever approval for licensing from the FDA.

Today is the last day to get the new Xero Shoes for 20% off. When you shop using my link, I get paid; that's cool.

I'm teaching here, here, and here this fall if you're a chiropractor and wanna hang out.

This is a reading from Heather Heying and is only 14 minutes (or 7 mins in 2x speed) if you prefer audio to written transmissions of information. It's called "Fact-Checkers Aren't Scientists".

That's it for now. I truly hope you have a wonderful week.