Maternity Leave - Meet Dr. Sellers!
Clint Sellers, DC
Shortly after finding out I was pregnant, I began the search for a doctor who could see my patients during maternity leave. Dr. Hall was able to do so during my maternity leave with Eldon, but our schedules don't match up for that to be a possibility this time, so I needed another option. This year has been full of countless interviews and applications, and no one seemed to be working out. What I really wanted was someone who wanted to run their own practice, but would be able to cover my practice while I was out for my maternity leave.Finally this summer I heard from a great doc named Brooke, and discovered that she and her husband Clint were both interested in possibly filling the position. They'd both recently graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic and relocated to Raleigh, and after meeting them, I realized that either of them could be a great fit for my practice. They're both intelligent, caring, and respectful doctors with great manual skills. Dr. Brooke ended up finding an associate position elsewhere, but Dr. Clint has settled in here as of two weeks ago. He has started his own practice, Peak Chiropractic, which he is running out of my office space. In addition to seeing his own patients, he will also be providing coverage for my patients while I am on maternity leave. I want to make sure that you're all well taken care of, and I trust that Dr. Sellers will do just that.Dr. Sellers will have all of your notes and information so that he can continue care that we have established, and you can continue to see him throughout the weeks that I am out. And because I know that you're wondering, my plan is to take at least 10 weeks away from the office. Depending on when the baby arrives, I will be starting a BIRTHFIT Postpartum Series in October or November (you can pre-register now!), and then returning to the office to see patients sometime in November. In the meantime, Dr. Sellers will be around to take care of you!And if you haven't met Dr. Sellers at the office yet, here's a little bit more about him!
Dr. Clint Sellers graduated from Logan College of Chiropractic with his Doctor of Chiropractic degree. He will also be receiving his Masters degree in Sports and Rehabilitation from Logan University later this year. In addition to the degree programs he also has specialized training in myofascial therapy, active rehabilitation, and kinesiology taping, earning certification status from reputable companies such as RockTape, the Motion Palpation Institute, and FAKTR. Utilizing these techniques he is able to treat sports-based injuries, biomechanical and nervous system dysfunction, work-related ergonomic issues, headaches and migraines, or even generalized pain. Dr. Sellers' passion is to bring healing and restoration to lives through chiropractic. He has seen amazing results in his own life through chiropractic care and seeks to share it with others.
He recently moved from St Louis to North Raleigh where he lives with his wife, Brooke, and two dogs, Ellie and Ripley. In their free time, they enjoy spending time outdoors and exploring new places.