You already have enough...

You have enough: doom, gloom, chaos, sadness, despair, concern, etc. And the interesting thing is, you simultaneously have enough: hope, peace, calm, tools, love, encouragement, light, community, etc.

But even though that second line is true, there seems to be more of the first line present right now.

As such, I'm going to share some things that are bringing light to the dark places for me personally.

I hope you enjoyed Easter weekend with your family. I did. I actually spent most of yesterday getting the moveMentors: Caregivers course ready for full release. It's out and ready and I hope that you enjoy the course as much as Jenna and I (and Amanda, who was behind the camera) enjoyed making it.

At first it didn't seem like the most timely release. But then everyone found themselves at home with their kids, up to their eyeballs in work, and at the end of their rope in terms of patience.

And this course helps to lengthen that rope; but it's not an artificial, short-term lifeline. The course actually sets you up as a caregiver for a relationship built on trust, embodying respect, and fortifying your self and the child(ren) you care for.

I'm really freaking proud of it. And I'd love to hear what you think of it. Especially if you think it helps during these times.

Something else I'm really happy about is the fact that I hired Mackenzie Smith, DC, to work in my practice. She is legitimately awesome and I'm so glad she's around. Today is her birthday and I shared our "origin story" on @trianglecrc if you'd like to read it.

I have seen a lot of people using logs to workout with (I don't know if y'all see as many of these, but every time someone picks up a log, someone sends me the video or image, haha). It makes me so happy because I love my #logswithlindsay adventures. Maybe keep that in mind if this storm system knocks down any trees near you. And then be sure to tag me if you start working out with it!

In my childbirth ed class, I got to help educate a woman in Washington, DC, as well as a local family. How cool is that? I wouldn't normally have had that opportunity available. But if you have pregnant friends ANYWHERE, let them know that the next childbirth ed class starts at the end of this month.

All right: this is dark, but it brings light. Sometimes being in the dark means we aren't seeing things, even though they're there. Light doesn't always make us feel good. But seeing things for what they are is important, and I think this documentary is very important. I hope you'll take the time to watch this very powerful documentary called Out of Shadows.

Last thing: a lot of you have asked about birthfit since I shared in the newsletter several weeks ago. I am no longer working with the company. I maintain my focus on caring for women through the motherhood transition and will continue to create content and programs designed to help you live your best life. If there's something you've thought, "I wish Lindsay had something for this," I'm open to hearing them. This doesn't mean I'll create it, but I'm always curious to know what you like learning!

Remember: you have enough of what you need within you. Choose how you use it.

Oh, and join me Thursday for a midday movement flow with HER Health Collective. It's free, so why would you not? You know I don't do free stuff often. ;-)

