Save this one to come back later

I made my official farewell post on social media last week and it felt really weird and good to have an official end to that chapter.

(If you're one of my new subscribers who found your way here through that post, welcome! If you want to pretend like you've been here a while, scroll to the bottom link under my name and you can find my most recent emails.)

Being off of social is a little bit like homeschooling. I find time to look into things of interest (including things that I do and do not enjoy learning about) rather than being given curricula to consume (which is not at all organized when it comes to social media, but like it or not, you're being force-fed information from others).

With or without social media, I consume a lot of information (even while intentionally continuing to taking more brain breaks). It helps that I can listen to a podcast at 2x speed in most cases (except for Spotify podcasts, which made that Joe Rogan 174 minute emergency podcast linked below take FOREVER to listen to).

One of the things that was really challenging at the beginning of my concussion recovery was not being able to assimilate information as quickly as I was used to. I finally understood (not just on a surface level) what some people meant by not being able to absorb 2x speed podcasts. For the first few months after my concussion, if I tried increasing the speed of anything, I could hear them and could understand the words, but couldn't actually understand their meaning.

If you're unable to assimilate information at 2x speed at this time, it is completely unreasonable that you would listen to, watch, or read all of the things that I randomly send your way. But some of these things are REALLY important.

So I'm going to share a few (IMO) must-read/must-watch/must-listen-to items that I recommend you work your way through whenever you find yourself with some time to do so. Some of these I've shared before and some of them I have only sent to a few close friends who are inundated by my overwhelming emails on a regular basis.

Rather than attempting to not overwhelm you by sending too much in one email, I'm going to intentionally send too much. (If you're new here, this isn't my norm, but you might as well know that things go off the rails here quite frequently.) I'll try to organize it into broad categories.

My recommendation: save this email, snooze it (I find that not many people love Gmail's snooze feature as much as I do) until you think you'll have time to revisit it, or just bookmark all of the links into some weird folder on your browser that you'll eventually get to.

Cheers to information and the blessing of informed decision making that comes with it,

Public Health

Podcasts & Videos
Dr. Pierre Kory & Bret Weinstein on the Joe Rogan podcast - this was the "emergency podcast" re: censorship of treatment and ideas -

Dr. Ron Brown on the Model Health Show on sharing the difference between relative risk reduction and absolute risk reduction -

Dr. Robert Malone on American Thought Leaders on censorship and fielding concerns -

Dr. Zach Bush on Rich Roll - not the entire podcast, but illustrated short of the highlights of that conversation - on the impact of glyphosate on our planetary and human health -

Mica sourcing concerns on children in mines and uncovering how sourcing this incredibly prevalent ingredient is extremely questionable -

On unbiased exploring of all possible origins -

Core Health

Research article on the validity of using transversus first for everything (translation: why I don't ever cue this and beg you to stop pulling in your stomach) -

Similar study as above re: transversus abdominis -

Opinion piece on core stabilization and the history of how we got it all wrong -

Article I wrote specifically about diastasis that was the appendix of my Trimester Series books -

A great interview with Dr. Boland re: core health and Functional Progression -


Super short interview with John Taylor Gatto (NY teacher of the year who quit) -

This is John Taylor Gatto's book, which he allowed Lew Rockwell to publish the chapters of -

On risky play -

There is an entire book based off of this article regarding the culture of campuses -

This isn't an article, but a site that offers an alternative to college in case the above articles have you leaning that way -

Birth & Kids

How the protocols we follow for birth are still based on a pathological (disease) approach -

Article I wrote because after birth you have a human to take care of and need to realize how to not interfere with their developmental processes -

Another one of my articles on W-sitting -

If you're a fan of the book Atlas Shrugged, you'll like this; if you're not a fan of Atlas Shrugged, then you might miss a few references, but the information ought to still land. This video changed how I parented overnight. Literally.

Maybe you're familiar with the Functional Progression? ;-) Don't forget that this is how humans were designed to move; it's how your children will move, and how you learned to move and load your core.

For Everyone

This is the book I gift and recommend most frequently. It's the only one I'll list here because it impacts so many aspects of life. It took me forever to pick up the book to start reading because the title is cheesy.
