Reflection on past 6 years

How are you in this moment?

The last part of that question helps bring things into the present moment, and since it's the only one we've got, I like to focus on it whenever possible.

In this moment I'm releasing some things, starting to look for new things, and breathing deeply (through my nose, of course).

This isn't surprising because I'm menstruating, and just like in our Women's Fitness class, I align what I'm doing with where I am in my cycle.

I am trying to figure out a way to sustainably support an entire community of people as they prepare for conception, experience pregnancy, and recovery fully in the postpartum time period. Figuring this out while menstruating isn't my best hormonal move. My physiology is telling me to reflect and let go.

So I'll reflect:

I've been doing this work specifically for 6 years.

I used to work for BIRTHFIT and it felt good to be part of a movement that was fueling change; until I realized that I was the fuel.

I left that company so that I could fuel myself rather than be expendable fuel for someone else's fire, and this year I've worked within my own business to create all-new content. (I sure picked a hell of a year to do that, eh?)

It's actually been great. I met with our coaching team this morning to discuss how to continue to do what we do in a way that can last through things like global pandemics and life-sized wrenches thrown into every possible system.

Meeting the world where they are when they're all virtual and needing/wanting/craving to be personal (especially during the time period of becoming a parent for the first or 6th time) is no small task. But I'm committed to being able to support the needs* of this community while simultaneously convincing them of all of the following:

  • they require intentional movement and support during pregnancy so as to maximize the physiology of their changing body rather than deplete it.

  • they require and deserve full healing after giving birth.

  • their health requires more attention than a number on a scale or in a clothing tag.

  • they are worth the investment of their own time and resources.

*I said needs on purpose. The needs of a preconception/prenatal/postpartum woman physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually may not actually coincide with her initial wants. But after experiencing fulfillment of needs, we may find that our wants change.

So now that I've reflected on these things, I can better recognize what to let go of and what to hold onto. Well, I can figure that out in my follicular phase. For now, I'll just keep reflecting.

And while I'm reflecting, I realized today that it's been three full years with a flip phone.

I've got some more reflecting to do on my bladder situation - I was onto something great, but it hasn't been consistently great, so I'll be spending a bit more time looking into that.

That's all for now.

Thanks for reading and being here.


mindsetLindsay Mumma