Help me help you help her

Did you follow that subject line?!

I have several friends right now who are having a hard time.

And while I am helping them as best as I can myself, I would love your help in helping them.

A few of them are in your same position: postpartum. They've given birth or suffered a loss and are needing community in order to help them heal.

And given the situation of the past several months, our community has felt less and less like a community and more like an "on hold until further notice" situation.

It's more than a little disheartening because it is preventing some crucial aspects of postpartum healing from occurring.

Postpartum healing as far as I'm concerned consists of

  • regaining core and pelvic floor coordination and strength

  • addressing physical changes

  • focusing on whole body wellbeing (including mental health)

  • supporting heartache/disappointment/joy/overwhelm/hope/which-way-is-up/all of the above after giving birth

  • creating a community to support you wherever you are in that moment or season

But because of a multitude of reasons, our class attendance has been low, meaning that the last part of that list is diminishing.

So I invite you to join (virtually or safely in person) our class that starts tomorrow. And to make the deal ever so much sweeter, use the code "COMMUNITY" for a discount.

I know that school just started, that the future is uncertain, that there are so many inconveniences and discomforts right now. Which is exactly why I think you should join this class right now.

By choosing healing for yourself, you're helping me help you AND helping other postpartum mothers.

If you're one of my instagram followers, then you've hopefully seen this postand have already acted on getting safer skincare for yourself and your family AND helped my incredible friend Heidi in the process. Help me help you help Heidi by shopping through HER Beautycounter store. She'll get 25% of your purchase, which will help her recover and heal from the many trials she's gone through this year.

Okay, that's all. Sign up for class if you've ever had a baby or a loss. Ever. You won't regret it.

Then snag yourself a new lip gloss or an entire new clean skincare regimen and help Heidi. She'd appreciate it, so would I, and so will your largest organ. And any orders placed today through Heidi's link will get a special thank-you in the mail from me!

Hugs and healing and hope,