Ready to take the Plunge?

I am so excited to introduce you to my latest practice addition: the Plunge!

A super fun connection story goes along with this and I owe a big thank you to one of our Women's Fitness attendees, Michelle, for actually getting this awesome cold tub unit into my office. (For those of you who like the short versions of my newsletter, skip the italicized part.)

I found Amanda Ditzel through some rabbit hole online search in 2012. I was researching everything I could find about supporting a natural birth, and discovered the blog that she and Julie Gayler had started, sharing birth photography. I reached out to Amanda and she and I became friends.

Through Amanda, I met Jo, our childbirth education instructor. Jo referred me to Brittany, whom we hired as our doula. Brittany introduced me to
Donna Zubrod, who is an incredible massage therapist. Donna introduced me to the staff at Reply OB/Gyn, who invited me to speak at an event, where I met Dr. Jenn Harrington. I briefly met Michelle, but it wasn't until Jenn recommended that Michelle join one of my postpartum classes that we really got to connect, and she's been a regular Women's Fitness participant ever since.

Michelle sent me a video last summer of her in an ice bath because she knew I'd love it. She said her brother got one and she couldn't believe she'd actually done it. If you've never submersed your whole body in an ice bath, you know just how excited she was.

Not only does all of the blood rush back immediately after you get out of the water, but your brain recognizes what a feat you've just accomplished, and the endorphins rush in to celebrate your survival. It's pretty much a really safe way to get high on your own supply, as Wim Hof says.

I've wanted an ice bath for years: since before I took my first Wim Hof workshop. But I wasn't sure how to work it logistically in my practice.

Well, now I've got the space for it - a huge bathroom with a shower and a floor drain. Shortly after moving in, I asked Michelle if she knew the details of her brother's unit. It was really nice looking, so I figured it'd be really expensive, but it's actually very reasonable compared to everything else I found on the market.

So thanks to Michelle (and thanks to the connection I made with Amanda Ditzel in 2012), I am happy to offer YOU the opportunity to experience cold as medicine.

Since we got the Plunge, I've been regularly getting in (several times per week) and it seems to be improving my concussion symptoms (yes, those are still happening; yes, I am still grateful; yes, I am still impatient). I'm also noticing improvements in my sleep. And that post-plunge high is glorious.

I'm so excited for you to meet Caroline Kratz, who will be facilitating the Plunge sessions (plus more to come as we work with Essential Health to expand these offerings)! She's incredible and you'll love her as soon as you meet her.

You can sign up to be one of our first users: we have limited availability for the next two weeks to make sure we have the flow of all of this figured out.

I'd love to see you soon and allow you to experience the benefits of the Plunge!

Are you ready?! Sign up or read more here.

Not ready at all and think I'm absolutely off my rocker? Try a cold rinse at the end of your next shower and tell me how you feel after.

Stay cool (I am so corny).


health, servicesLindsay Mumma