Postpartum Rehab

I'm back in your inbox to let you know some really exciting news: in addition to creating a brand new Postpartum Rehab course that encourages the deep dive healing that new mothers require and deserve, I've also made the course available as an online offering.

I did this for several reasons: I never want time, money, or location to serve as a barrier to entry to your healing.

For that reason, we're going to continue offering all of our classes virtually even when we are able to meet in person. That ideally helps those of you who aren't in Raleigh. But it doesn't change the fact that some people aren't able to afford attending class, nor can they come in the middle of the morning on Mondays and Fridays.

I could just make free stuff. But free comes at a price (always).

I know that in order to value my own self enough to value others, I cannot just pour energy in where none is coming back.

What I can do is recreate a community environment for you to participate along with, and set the price point very low.

It's not the fanciest course with the most polished edges. There's nothing fancy or polished about postpartum healing anyway.

But this collaborative, community healing of individuals in a collective is precisely what our world is missing. And if you've given birth and haven't joined us in person, then this is likely what you're missing, too (no matter how long ago you gave birth).

Healed people heal people. Hurt people hurt people. Loved people love people. Accepted people accept people.

So for $99 (that's $8.25 per class), you can now participate in my brand new Postpartum Rehab course on your own time.

Read more about the class (or check out our other online offerings) here.

Have a friend who would benefit from postpartum healing? Send her this email.

Are you that friend who could benefit? Read this again. I invite you to heal.

Sending you love.