Parker seminar recap

I spent a long weekend in Orlando, where I had the incredible honor of presenting at a Parker Seminar. Parker Seminars are known within the chiropractic world for their high energy vibes, keynote speakers, and lots of continuing education packed into one weekend at super nice locations.

It came as a pretty big shock when I got the email earlier this year inviting me to speak. In the back of my mind, I even wondered if they were lacking speakers.

(skip to the line below if you don't care and want some more updates and info - read on to find out how this all happened)
I said yes to an opportunity last November. I had signed my contract with Motion Palpation Institute (MPI) to begin teaching for them in April of last year, but since all in-person courses were canceled, that meant I needed to put off my assistant teaching until 2021.

I talked to the president of MPI, my mentor - Dr. Mark King - in October, who said that starting in January of this year, we'd begin in-person courses again and I would assist with those and then eventually take over my own classes. Then about a week later, I got asked if I could go and teach a mini course at Parker University in Dallas. So much for assisting first: they wanted a female instructor and I got volunteered because I'm one of three female MPI instructors.

I got asked to come back two more times (I could only go once), so the Parker staff already had my contact info, and I honestly thought maybe that's why they asked me to speak at their large seminar.

But then I saw the speaker line-up and realized they weren't short on awesome speakers. Dr. King was presenting on the shoulder, Dr. Craig Liebenson (who wrote the book on Rehabilitation of the Spine - literally), a handful of other docs whose names I knew or at least recognized, and THE SURGEON GENERAL, Dr. Jerome Adams?!

Don't get me wrong: I was probably more nervous in November when I did my first teaching on my own, but presenting on a large stage with about 500 attendees rather than in a hands-on course for 50-100 people definitely took me out of my comfort zone.

I'm grateful for the opportunity to be there, grateful that I got to take my family to enjoy the incredible Gaylord hotel (the boys enjoyed the water park and the arcade!), and honest to goodness, I'm pretty freakin proud of myself. I limited my umms and ahhs, heard positive feedback from participants, fielded some great questions after, and got asked to come back to Parker in two weeks for another mini course!

Overall, it was an awesome weekend and I'm so excited for this next evolution of my career - teaching chiropractors and chiropractic students. I'll be in St. Louis this weekend to assist for the MPI Pregnancy and Pediatrics course, and am thrilled to be working with Dr. Boland to get our very own moveMentors Perinatal Manual Care course ready to go this fall! I'll do my best to keep my teaching schedule available here for those of you who are chiropractors and want to come learn with me.

TBI, Tick, & Bladder Update
An itinerary change meant we got to enjoy most of Thursday at the pool before the course began Friday, and I got in some relaxation time the rest of the weekend as well, so I'm still sticking with my intentional rest. And I've gotta say, it's definitely working. I know I've still got brain healing to do, but I feel SO much better and am continuing to improve. I am still not feeling completely asymptomatic, but I'm getting there.

I sent the tick to a lab in New York that Dr. Smith told me about. It comes with a disclaimer that this is just for research purposes, but according to the lab:

Yeeeeeehawwww! I was pretty happy to get those results. And yes, I know they don't completely rule out anything, but this finding plus my preventative abx plus my continued immune supportive practices make me feel so much better!

Last update: I may be onto something regarding bladder spasms! I have only sporadically and very temporarily had relief from bladder spasms since they started almost 5 years ago. That kind of sucks. But remember how in my last newsletter I told you I was doing Susun Weed's herbal infusions? Well I even traveled with my herbs to continue the practice because Y'ALL! The spasms are calming the heck down!

I mean I've gone entire DAYS without having a single spasm. And I'm able to go HOURS without going to the bathroom (the spasms often cause urgency, so that hadn't been the case). And I'm drinking so much less water that I am also not having to pee all the time anyway, but I don't feel dehydrated! It's truly amazing!

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Ready to clean up your counter and earn while you're at it?! Respond back to me if you need help shopping, or go ahead and dive in here. Don't forget to add Band of Beauty to your cart for the extra rewards!


beauty, healthLindsay Mumma