New office happenings!

Last month I offered a raffle drawing for any new-to-Beautycounter shoppers, and the winner is... Aarti! (I already let her know, but figured you'd want to hear about it, too.)

She won a brand new Beautycounter product that is likely to top the favorite list of just about everyone.

Have you looked at your overwashed hands anytime recently and thought that they look about 10 years older than your arms? Or is that just me and my hands-on profession?

Coming later this month is a one-of-a-kind hand sanitizer that doubles as a moisturizer AND anti-aging hand serum. I seriously cannot wait to get mine.

Want to win your own Hand Savior? (Yes, that's what it's called and yes, I think that's kind of weird, but I'm nonetheless excited for it.) In my excitement for happier hands, I'm going to offer another drawing:

Any Beautycounter purchase over $50 placed with me before 4/15 will earn you an entry to win your own bottle!

Shop Clean Beauty

Things at the office are continuing to pick up and I'm so incredibly grateful for this new space.

This week, Dr. Lori O'Neill is starting to see patients (she's already booked, but if you want to get on her limited schedule for pelvic PT in Raleigh, visit her website here).

Caroline's Plunge sessions are filling up and we've added a Nordic cycle option that I'm positive you'll want to investigate. We're thinking it may warrant a t-shirt when you've done it. ;-)

Dr. Robinson is adding more services to her incredible acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine treatments. Dr. Smith's schedule is near packed, which means I'm loosely on the hunt for another chiropractor to add to our team.

Out of necessity, I bought a washer and dryer this weekend for the office to help keep up with the laundry of the sauna, Plunge, and acupuncture schedules! I cannot even express to you how grateful I am for the pains of growing into this new office space.

Speaking of which, many of my patients are now under the incredible care of our neighbor, Dr. Sierakowski, who is hands-down the best primary care physician in Raleigh (and likely North Carolina and also likely North America and quite possibly planet Earth).

And I've hired Ashlynne as a new Front Desk Attendant to help us keep up with all of the new and exciting things going on around here! Look for her in the afternoons when you come in for an appointment.

The updated Postpartum Rehab class is about halfway done updating (thank you to Erika Eno for helping with the re-recording, editing, and publishing)!

Last update: I'm so excited to be working on a new course for practitioners with my dearest friend and colleague, Dr. Erica Boland. We're on track for a fall course, so if you're a chiropractor or PT, stay tuned for more on that.

So basically, in terms of cyclical living: Spring is in full swing with new growth and opening! Are you noticing the same in your life, too?

I hope that you enjoyed a GORGEOUS Easter Sunday yesterday. We had the best day and I'm so grateful for it.

Thanks for reading. I hope to see you or hear from you soon!
