8 weeks post injury + 2 job offers

I hoped that 8 weeks post-concussion might look a little like a celebration that consisted of a workout, a hard kombucha, and maybe a social media post to commemorate the conclusion of healing a traumatic brain injury.

Alas, it looks like none of those things because, as I am continually reminded as both a doctor and a patient, healing has its own timeline.

(I've been riding the edge between tears streaming and moist eyes for a bit now, and this song invited them to freely flow today. If it doesn't bring you to tears today, save it for when you are on the verge of crying because it's likely to pull them out.)

A few brief updates: I realized today that I am ready for "normal" in so many ways - for the world and for myself. Workouts usually help me find the balance of frustration that I'm experiencing in response to external factors. And workouts are currently not normal for me, which makes the point ever more poignant.

I'm still in the hyperbaric chamber about once per week and am getting adjusted every other week now. Wondering why adjustments are such a huge part of my healing practices? It's not just because I'm a chiropractor. Check this out:


Kind of amazing what a difference an adjustment makes, right?!

Anyway, I look significantly less scary now, but internal healing is still ongoing. The Plunge and sauna are both helping that as well.

Now for the second part I promised in the subject: two job opportunities!

I am looking for help at my front desk in the afternoons (Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 3-6pm). The problem is that I'm still limited on screen time, which makes sifting through employee applications quite challenging. I tried a few times, but it was too much. So if you or someone you know wants some part time work in the world's most amazing environment, please email me with a resume.

The second job opportunity is more flexible because it's a free enrollment as a Beautycounter consultant. I have a code to share that makes your consultant enrollment fee $0 if you buy a Starter Set. Ready to make the switch to safer personal care products that are thoroughly vetted and tested, help empower your community to do the same, and work with a stellar company alongside me? Email me back and let's do this!

Lastly, if you've considered trying Beautycounter for the first time, you get free shipping on orders over $50 and 10% off when you sign up for the Beautycounter newsletter. Plus, I'm raffling two free Beautycounter gifts for new shoppers who order by 3/31!

Three of my favorites: the Overnight Resurfacing Peel for evening out skin tone and texture (including facial scars - believe me), the Charcoal Mask for unwinding and detoxing, and the All Bright C serum for brightening dull skin. And if you have questions, just email me back and we can chat about what your specific needs are.

Bonus items: If you're postpartum and wanting to do some more focused postpartum training beyond my Postpartum Rehab course, I recommend you check out Jenna's postpartum training course. You can also do the moveMentors: Foundations of Strength course. Both would be a great next step to your postpartum strength training!
