It's my anniversary!

Tomorrow marks 8 years since I opened my practice. I don’t know how I expect you to believe that because I can hardly wrap my head around it. 

I was so naive. I knew I was, but at the same time, it is astounding to me that I went ahead and did this whole thing even though I had LITERALLY NO CLUE WHAT I WAS DOING. This isn’t like an inspirational “you can do it” sort of message. This is a “what in the actual hell was I thinking?!” message. I was hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loan debt (yep, you read that right - getting a doctorate is expensive) and rather than going to work for someone else, I dove right in the deep end and went full-force into my own practice.

I am not exaggerating when I said I had no clue what I was doing. But I somehow did it. The second year I was in practice, I gave birth to my first child. Being pregnant was a great practice-builder. Going on maternity leave was not.

But another pregnancy and maternity leave, a move to a new space, a logo change, a whole hell of a lot of growing pains, several staff changes, new offerings, several hairstyle changes, and nearly 8 years after seeing my first patient, here I am! 

There has been plenty to be concerned with in these past few months, and I’m planning to get all of that out of my system at Teacups & Tissues(which you’re invited to join if you’ve ever taken a class or been a patient at TriangleCRC!). I joked with a friend that I’ve been in “training” for our cry circle because I have cried like twice per week for quite some time now, hahaha.

But there’s also PLENTY to celebrate, and that’s just what I’d like to do. Because I wouldn’t be here without you: patients, clients, friends, strangers who follow me on the internet and cheer for me when I throw logs and stuff. All of you. I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you. So thank you.

To celebrate my practice anniversary, I’m doing several things. 

  1. My entire online supplement store is 15% off until 3/13. Stock up on your anti-coronavirus goods or essential nutrients here (no code necessary):

  2. I’m going to Juicekeys (Quail Corners) Saturday! We do this the first Saturday of every month after our Women’s Fitness class. I wasn’t going to be able to go because I was supposed to be in San Francisco for a Beautycounter event, but that was canceled because of the risk of coronavirus (so now I’ll be staying in Wake County, where there’s confirmed coronavirus). So that means I’ll be at Juicekeys Saturday around 11 after class. 

  3. I’m releasing a BRAND NEW something tomorrow. You’ll have to follow along on my instagram account to see what it is, but I’m sooo excited to introduce you to something I’ve been working on with a dear friend! 

That’s it. Just a quick note to say thanks, celebrate the win of not having collapsed under pressure in the past 8 years, and a teaser for more exciting things coming.

