It's been a MONTH

When I say it's been a month, I mean it in the way that it has been one hell of a month and that it also has been a month since I've sent a newsletter!

And now an update in the form of headings that all begin with C.

My practice moved, which was a HUGE and FAST undertaking. There's a whole long story that goes along with this, but the short version is that a pipe dream that Dr. Sierakowski and I put into the Universe in 2019 came to fruition and I now have the world's best neighbor who also happens to be the Triangle's best functional medicine (or otherwise) MD.

We also had the holidays (and I signed my lease on 12/30, so there wasn't much down time!) and all of the happenings within our world, nation, and government, including the WHO's update on PCR testing, which is HUGE information (and definitely a step in a positive direction if you ask me).

Beautycounter's Clean Deo launched, and sooo many of you are taking advantage of making this easy clean swap to choose something safer for you (aluminum-free!) and the planet (refillable packaging!).

This past weekend, I began my official instructor work with the Motion Palpation Institute, which is a non-profit organization that educates chiropractors and students on patient-centered care. It is where I learned how to adjust and manually care for patients and I'm so honored to begin teaching for them.

And finally, we've been putting in a lot of work on moveMentors, which is a collaborative platform of educational and movement courses. We just released our brand new offering: course bundles!

More on bundles (the C-list ends here).
We carefully curate and select courses that we think complement each other to give you the best support and information.

The Perinatal Year includes our Foundations of Strength course by Dr. Ellyn Halley, Childbirth Education by Dr. Erica Boland, and Postpartum Rehab by yours truly.

Our First Year of Movement bundle includes the Pediatrics course by Dr. Boland and the Caregivers course by Coach Jenna Somich and me.

Our Land & Sea bundle includes Foundations of Strength by Dr. Halley and the Swim course by my husband and me.

There you have it! That is all for now. I promise to stay in better touch now that things are settling down (that's a complete joke).

I'd love to hear if there are new and exciting things brewing for you this year, or if you're keeping a slow, steady pace to get things going. Have you undertaken a lifestyle shift like joining Dr. Smith's Eating Psychology group, signing up for Street Parking or doing Dry January?

Sending hugs.


servicesLindsay Mumma