I'm so thankful, I'm giving you a free workout!

I'm really thankful that you're reading this.

I'm really thankful that we found our kitten. (The full nail-biting story is here.)

I'm really thankful for my incredible husband and our kids.

I'm really thankful to be.

That last one was the hardest for me to achieve. I reached the point where I actually was just grateful for my life earlier this year. That sounds like I've been a selfish ass my entire life (which may be true), but what happened was I stopped being grateful for just what was around me (which I called my "life") and started being grateful for what was in me (my actual *LIFE*).

And I don't mean attributes or characteristics - I mean that I was at a point where literally everything was precious and I took none of it for granted and each breath felt like the true gift that it always has been.

And I've slipped from that a bit. How freaking embarrassing. Seriously. Rather than existing in that immense joy, I go in and out of it. It's still there, but it's not constant like it was when I wrote this post.

But I am grateful for the life of each of you (even those of you I haven't had the opportunity to meet yet!). I am grateful you exist and I hope you feel surrounded in love this week. And I'm practicing gratitude daily.

One of the external things I'm grateful for is the Women's Fitness class that we started this year. I wrote the skeleton of the program, and each month, each of us (myself, Jenna, Emily, Mackenzie, or Lisa) writes the programming.

Since we don't have class today, Thursday, or Saturday in honor of Thanksgiving, I decided I'd give you a sneak peek into what this class looks like (and also give you something to do between turkey feasts).

Coach Lisa wrote this particular workout, and it's laid out exactly as we have it in class each week:

  • warm-up with a discussion

  • quality movement

  • strength and conditioning

    • grouped based on where you are in your cycle/pregnancy/postpartum journey - or if none of those apply to you, then we use the moon as a guide (you're made up of about 2/3 water and the moon controls the tides - you're likely to be affected by its pull as well)

  • accessory movements with a prompt to take you mindfully into the rest of your day or week
    (If you're paying for a gym membership, does any of it look like this?)


Core Dysfunction: (from BIRTHFIT Postpartum Program) "A lot of core dysfunction has cultural roots.  Sucking in inhibits proper use of diaphragm and puts us in a compromised, vulnerable state for injury in both the short term and long term.  It usually results in chest breathing since diaphragm moves cranially rather than caudally during inspiration."


Posture & Breath - 5 mins

FP1-4 + tripod

For Quality: 2 Rounds

  • 20 banded pull aparts 

  • 10 elevated push ups 


Dumbbell split jerks (alternating feet) or Dumbbell push press

  • Alternating helps keep pelvis balanced which is great for pregnancy or rebuilding PP

  • Load should be light, something you know you can lift

  • All groups do 6x2

1&4: 50-60% (light)

2&3: 70-80% (medium-heavy)


Complete 7 Rounds: 

  • 2 DB Split jerks 

  • 2 Strict Pull ups, or Seated Pull ups 

  • 2 Dips (ring, bar or box)

  • 10 Ball taps

Rest as needed throughout the workout and in line with whatever group you fall into today.


2 Rounds:

15 Front Raises

15 Lateral Raises

Keep everything stacked, slow and controlled – no sloppy flying arms-breathe the whole time


Over the next few days, I challenge you to tune in to when you feel the need to suck in. 

Give this a try and let me know how it works for you.

  • Questions about the programming?

  • Wondering why we do what we do?

  • Wanting to figure out how to train in line with your cycle?

I guess you'll have to join us! You can register for classes here.

Happy Thanksgiving, friend. You are loved.


fitness, mindsetLindsay Mumma