Five Elements Quiz + Pumpkin Pie Recipe

I want to share three things that I thought might be helpful as we start looking into the holiday season.

The first is this quiz from Deepak Chopra's site.

If you're not familiar with Ayurvedic medicine, it's pretty rad. They identify people as being made up of some specific combination of the five elements - earth, water, fire, air, and ether. The reason why I think it's cool to share this with you now is because if you understand your own dosha, it can help you understand your needs/wants a bit better, and therefore can help you understand those around you as well. So maybe you avoid a fight with your mother in-law at Thanksgiving because you recognize that even though it seems like she's being flighty, she's literally made up of more air and it's harder for her to stay grounded. You feel me? (If you're wondering, every quiz or consult I've ever done says that I am like 80% pitta - fire and water.)

The second and third things I want to share are…

…the filling and crust recipes that I've found to be the MOST effective for both my own health and the enjoyment of others when it comes making a pumpkin pie. Those of you interested in a healing/autoimmune diet, Paleo, Primal, or anti-inflammatory diet are probably aware that the holidays are the most difficult for people to continue making effective food choices. Or maybe you hadn't considered that and are now filled with a sense of dread. My bad.

I've found that baking is a hugely beneficial practice for me - it's meditative and enjoyable and I like the whole family to be involved. It also allows me to create things that I can enjoy without negative health consequences. So in the hopes that you can grab yourself a pumpkin and make yourself and your family a delicious dessert while still feeling great afterward, here is my favorite ever recipe for an allergen-friendly crust: and because at the time when I made this crust I didn't have dates, I had to find another filling recipe to use in it, and I found this one, which I fell in love with and make regularly:

Much love,