A New Story About Pain

Is pain a good thing?Your knee-jerk reaction is probably to say no, but let's change that. Pain isn't something you should be feeling on a regular basis. Normal, everyday activities should NOT cause you pain. When they do, that means something is wrong. It could mean something is REALLY wrong, or it could just be your body's way of waving the red flag, letting you know that you need to pay attention. Ignoring that signal doesn't make you stronger, it just makes you hurt more; listen to your body.Pain prevents you from keeping your hand on a hot stove; it stops you from inflicting further damage if you roll your ankle; it (ideally) stops you from dating that jerk who keeps breaking your heart. So is pain really so bad? When something hurts, correct what's causing the pain. Fix the reason why it hurts. Listen to your body's signals. Recognize what's causing you pain and address it. The pain itself isn't so bad. The pain is actually your ally. If you can't fix what caused your pain, seek out someone who can help you. My vote is always for the most conservative method of intervention available. A chiropractor is a great place to start. I get to decipher people's pains on a regular basis; it's actually pretty fun! Their body is giving them all sorts of signals, and I get to interpret those signals into how I can help them feel and function better. Pain is a good thing. It's your body's way of saying you need a little help. Listen carefully.