Want to be as healthy as possible?

Hi friend.

Read this whole thing. It's really important.

You want the secret to being healthy?

*drumroll, please*


Yep. Try it right now. I'm not even kidding. (Or maybe I am kidding and that joke will make you laugh?)

Here: this will help.


You're welcome. (Thank my friend Jeannine, who regularly posts ridiculous memes on her Insta.)

If you even remotely chuckled at that, then you're probably already feeling a little less stressed. And less stress means better health. You don't need a scientific study to show you that, right? You can feel that throughout your body.

But scientists have studied laughter and the effect it has on humans after stress. The conclusion: "These results suggest that hearing laughter might produce a relaxing effect by increasing parasympathetic nervous activity. This would make it an easily accessible method for improving the recovery process of the autonomic nervous system after a stress-loading task that does not require specialized skills or tools." [Free full text article for you nerds: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/30598694.]

You see that last part? Doesn't require specialized skills or tools. As in: anyone can do this.

What do humans tend to do when they're nervous? Laugh.

What do humans do when they see other people embarrass themselves? Laugh.

What do humans do when kids do 80% of the things kids do? Laugh.

What happens when we laugh? We have less stress.

Less stress = healthy humans


lifestyleLindsay Mumma