Double whammy for today

The reason why this is a double whammy is because you may get two emails from me today (those of you who signed up on a Friday are still in the queue of curated content) and ALSO because there are two very important things I want to share.

The first is that I just looked at the data regarding pregnancy and some certain specific injections that NEJM put out and found some REALLY disturbing reporting.

Here is the study itself:

And here's me talking about it for less than 4 minutes:

Quick read of these preliminary findings. Take a look at the data in Table 4:

If you don't watch the video, here's the gist: the data seems a bit skewed, specifically in Table 4: the number of pregnancy losses at less than 20 weeks of gestation is listed at 104/827. But 700 of the 827 participants did not get their first shot until they were in their third trimester (which begins around 28 weeks gestation). So the reported 12.6% of loss (which is considered within normal limits) increases significantly to nearly 82% when the number of people who were given their first dose prior to the third trimester is the denominator.

I am always open to be proven wrong on things, and maybe I've overlooked something. But the data certainly appears to be skewed.

While we're talking pregnancy, I'm putting slides together for 3 of the upcoming courses that I'm teaching (sign up here, here and use code MUMMA$50, or here if you're a chiropractor), and wanted to point out that even though it's recommended all the time, it's actually KNOWN that it's not safe to take Tylenol during pregnancy. (Studies suggest that there's no alternative for pain relief during pregnancy. I guess I need to start doing some case studies in my practice.😉)

The other important thing that I wanted to share is not new, but I had not seen this rapid review until this week when a colleague sent it to me:

There has been a strong recent push against prophylactic measures and treatments for that thing that's going around, but I really like having lots of options. There have been headline pieces warning against horse de-wormer and stats about how frequently poison control is being called because of inappropriate use of Ivermectin. But the above rapid review (much like the information shared in that Joe Rogan emergency podcast I've shared with you about 47 times) is REALLY promising.

All right, two more announcements: Caroline is available Tuesdays and Thursdays 8-11am at TriangleCRC for a little meet-and-greet action if you have questions about the Plunge or just want to have a sort of non-committal approach to investigating the Plunge (although 4/5 people who speak with her end up getting in the Plunge, ha!). She also has availability during those times for those of you who couldn't make her afternoon appointments before.

Second, we now have LMNT in-house if you don't want to wait for shipping. Also, if you ever want to get something and you're not a patient, you're totally welcome to come to my practice anyway. I won't force you to get adjusted or get in the Plunge or use the sauna. It's actually just a really beautiful space with beautiful people and sometimes you just need those vibes, so stop on by.

Last thing before rapid fire links: if you want to join Beautycounter as a consultant, today is the last day to join for $20.21. Click below for your own 25% off discount, or a new opportunity to earn income while making a difference.

And now, rapid fire of things to read or watch at your leisure:

CDC has not been tracking breakthrough cases since May:

not peer-reviewed Israeli study comparing natural or v-induced immunity:
and here is a fairly balanced take on it if you'd like to not read a study directly:

Russell Brand on emergency powers:

Edward Snowden on your iPhone (remember him?):
