A shitstorm week

There has been a bit of a shitstorm around here recently, to be honest. And not at all for the reasons you think.

We've already been homeschooling, but now my husband, who is a teacher, is home. So that's actually easier and the boys LOVE having him around. My practice is going well (things were a little slower and kinda scary for a bit, but it's picking back up and we're all staying safe). So as far as the current COVID situation goes, things are pretty good for us.

But my dad had surgery, my mother in-law had a really bad medication reaction, my son had a near-anaphylactic reaction to a bee sting, my brother and his wife suffered a loss, and a hometown friend of mine overdosed.

This has all happened in the past two weeks.

I have told myself a lot of stories in the past two weeks, but one of the things about becoming aware of my habits and patterns is that I have started to notice the stories sooner, which means they get less elaborate before I'm able to bring myself back to the truth and to the present moment.

I don't have all of the answers, but I do have lots of tools for staying present. I've said this before, but having tools and using them are two different things. And sharing tools isn't always warranted or welcome because people really often just want to be heard rather than fixed. But the offer of tools can be hopeful and helpful. Sometimes I share tools for free and sometimes I charge money for sharing them. I'll delineate those below in case you're interested in checking them out.

But I wanted to jump into your inbox and echo a message I shared on instagram last week after finding out about my friend overdosing: I don't give a shit about guidelines if you need a place to go or a friend to hug or someone to be with. I am here.

(Although technically I am going to see my dad, so I'm not going to be "here" for the weekend.)