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Eating Psychology


Nutritional challenges are often driven by our underlying relationships with food and body image. Together we'll look at your personal past history and life experiences (among much more) to find the root cause as to why you are having the challenges in the first place.

What challenges does eating psychology help with?

  • Emotional Eating

  • Overeating

  • Binge Eating

  • Working with Weight

  • Negative Body Image

Our Eating Psychology Provider

Dr. Mackenzie Smith trained at The Institute for the Psychology of Eating with Marc David. Rather than looking solely at diet when it comes to challenging relationships with food and body image, Dr. Smith looks at an individual's past history and life experiences (among much more) to find the root cause as to why the individual is having the challenges in the first place.

Dr. Smith is extremely passionate about empowering and bringing awareness to people's relationships with both food and body image, so they can live their lives to its fullest potential. 

She was exposed to eating challenges at a young age when a best friend was hospitalized with complications from an eating disorder. She went on to experience challenges of her own as well as observe many other friends develop unhealthy relationships with food and their bodies. She hopes to lessen the amount of people who have experienced what she did, as well as to guide those who are on the journey to improving their relationship with food and body.


For more information about eating psychology and additional treatments we provide at Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center, Contact us today.