Lower Back Pain in Pregnancy and What To Do About It

If you’re pregnant and your lower back is aching, you are not alone. Many women experience pain in their lower back while pregnant, but this doesn’t have to be the case!

Image courtesy of Amanda Ditzel

A lot of women see a chiropractor during pregnancy because of low back pain, upper back pain, or pubic pain. For those women who are experiencing physical discomfort during a time when pill-popping could lead to disastrous side effects, chiropractic care can be the answer (1). 

There are plenty of reasons why your back might be hurting during pregnancy, and they’re the same reasons why seeing a chiropractor during pregnancy is so important (and so helpful!).

Your spinal position alters throughout pregnancy. Changes in the spine occur in all different areas throughout the entirety of pregnancy (2). The thoracic kyphosis and the lumbar lordosis (normal spinal curves) increase. The rib cage expands. The pelvis opens. If the spine is restricted in any area, the changes will not occur as easily or as comfortably.

Your baby's position is affected by your posture. Posture is more than just standing up straight. Sitting, walking, and sleeping postures can all impact baby's position. Often, posture is a result of repetition as well as compensation. If you don't feel comfortable in a neutral position (due to restrictions in the spine or extremities), then you'll adopt a more comfortable - and less suitable - posture. Poor posture can lead to a baby's inability to settle nicely into the pelvis. 

Tension in the spine leads to tension elsewhere. This can include ligaments associated with the uterus (specifically the round ligaments). Tension in the uterus can potentially lead to malposition of the baby. Ensuring that the pelvis and all ligaments associated with the uterus are freely moving allows baby to achieve optimal positioning. 

Maintaining activity levels throughout pregnancy is crucial for the health of mom and baby. If your body can't move well, it can be hard to move in general! A chiropractor will help you move better so that you can keep on moving. Studies have shown that women who exercise during their pregnancy have lower chance of cesarean delivery and lower risk of developing gestational diabetes (3).

There are countless reasons to visit a chiropractor during pregnancy, but one of the most intriguing ones is that it could lead to a shorter labor. First-time moms who see a chiropractor during their pregnancy have 25% shorter labors than women who didn’t see a chiropractor (4)!

If you’re already hurting, don’t continue suffering. The chiropractors here at TriangleCRC are specially trained in prenatal and postpartum chiropractic care. And if you’re pregnant and feeling great, don't wait until something hurts. Get your body and your baby ready for your best birth with regular chiropractic care throughout pregnancy!

- Lindsay Mumma, DC, DNSP

  1. Toda K. Is acetaminophen safe in pregnancy? Scand J Pain. 2017 Oct;17:445-446. doi: 10.1016/j.sjpain.2017.09.007. Epub 2017 Oct 4. PMID: 28986045.

  2. Conder R, Zamani R, Akrami M. The Biomechanics of Pregnancy: A Systematic Review. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol. 2019 Dec 2;4(4):72. doi: 10.3390/jfmk4040072. PMID: 33467386; PMCID: PMC7739277.

  3. Price, Bradley B et al. “Exercise in pregnancy: effect on fitness and obstetric outcomes-a randomized trial.” Medicine and science in sports and exercise 44 12 (2012): 2263-9 .

  4. Borggren, Cara. J Chiropr Med. 2007 Spring; 6(2): 70–74. Published online 2007. doi:  10.1016/j.jcme.2007.04.004

Lindsay Mumma